The Netcenter's

Hyper links and Bookmarks

Hyper links allow you to jump from one place to another on the World Wide Web or within a document or a page. When you click on a a hyper link, your screen displays the information attatched to the other end of the hyper link and then connects you to that link automatically. The mouse click is all you do. Now, you're surfing the web.

Hyper text links are often text that is underlined and appears in a different color. After you use a hyper link, it might change color. This shows you where you've already been. Many pages also use graphics as hyper links. Usually, your cursor will change from an arrow to a pointing hand when you move your mouse over a hyper link.

Hyper links also take the form of images on the page. If you move the mouse over an image and your cursor changes to a pointing hand, that image is a hyper link. Clicking on the image takes you to another destination. For example, the Prev and Next arrows at the top of this page are hyper link images.

Remember that your browser keeps track of where you've been. If you jump to a page and then want to go back, just tell your browser to go back (most browsers have a BACK button or Arrow). You can go back one page or several. If you have gone back, you can go forward too.

You may be concerned about the time it will take to reload a page, especially if it took a long time to come up the first time. Most browsers reload a recently visited page in less time than it took to initially load it.

If you find a page that is interesting that you'd like to return to another time, set a bookmark for the page (most browsers have a way to save a page's address; that's what they call a bookmark or a 'favorite site'). By setting a bookmark or favorite, you can tell your browser to go directly to that page any time you need to.

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